Jenna and her cheesy grin
My hot hubby and cute kids feeding the ducks
Sweet pose by Jaida. This is about how close she would get to the ducks "comfortably"
If you look at the water you will notice all the ripples- that's about a billion carp. I know I'm exagerating but seriously there were so many disgusting carp! :) Of course, Isaac loved every minute of feeding the carp not ducks :)
Quick picture of me and the girls; who refuse to actually look at the camera at the same time:) Oh well, at least I'm smiling :)
On a side note: Several years ago I think Isaac was probably a year and a half. We went to this same pond to feed the ducks and Isaac was so excited to see them. He got a little ahead of us and stepped in a little hole by the lake (I could see what was going to happen, it was like it was all happening in slow motion. I yelled at Luke to run to him as fast as he could...) anyway, he stepped in the hole, lost his shoe, and fell head first into the pond. About 1 second later Luke reached in the pond and pulled him out. He was crying and I think I was too. I was so scared but boy did he STINK! He smelled so bad. We took him to the car and took all his clothes off, changed his diaper and headed home. This was his first experience with ducks. We have told him the story many times and he laughs every time.
I am still traumatized by ducks. When I was about three or four I was chased by a duck because I was holding a piece of bread and didn't think to let it go! He chased me around a tree until my brother saved me.