Okay- so I'm trying to keep up with the rest of the world and try this whole blog thing. Everyone has to remember that I teach history so I deal very well with the past and well dead people! :) New technology is something I always have to play catch up on!
Luke and I have been married for 12 years! I can't believe it's been that long. He's amazing and I feel extremely blessed to have a man who is compassionate, giving, funny, awesome, and oh so HOT! We have had an awesome marriage so far and I can't wait for all the future adventures we'll have together. He's in police academy right now and will graduate in December. He's home all day with the kids which he LOVES (yes.. that was sarcastic!) He's making the best of it but can't wait for graduation and employment!
I just finished my 1st year of teaching junior high! I loved it! Most people are afraid of the junior high age but I love it! My personality fits perfectly with theirs... maybe it's because I'm just as mature! :) I love volleyball and play every year for the city. I like shopping, hanging out with my family and friends and laughing!
Isaac is 6 and is going into 1st grade! I'm amazed at how fast time flies! In his kindergarten class he was voted, "Most Kind" and I completely agree. He's the sweetest little boy and never wants to hurt anybody's feelings. He's an amazing builder and loves to construct planes with his legos. He recently built a scooter with his K'nex which was awesome! I love him!
Jaida is almost 4 and is honestly one of my best friends! She never misses a beat and her smile is contagious! I recently asked her to brush her teeth and 30 seconds later I went back to check on her and saw her in the hall with a bleeding leg. When I asked what happened she replied with, "well I am almost 4!" I replied with, "what does that have to do with your leg?" She said, "Well, I'm shaving now!" That is my Jaida and I love her!
Jenna is 17 months and is the cutest thing! This is what saves her because she is the tazmanian devil! She is into everything and anything! She can destroy a room in seconds and she has attitude but we could never live without our little miracle. She is funny and loves to make people laugh. She's friendly and will say hi to anyone. She looks like her daddy and has my personality. Her legs are about 6 inches long... not really but they are little and are soooo cute when she runs! She's a doll and we love her!
Well I think that's it for now. I will post more later!
8 years ago