Monday, March 22, 2010

Feeding the ducks :)

I don't know a better way to welcome the first day of spring then to feed the ducks. The kids love it and its fun to watch them get so excited to feed the ducks and then when the ducks get close, its also fun to see the excitement turn to nervous fear :) Isaac I think had more fun feeding the huge carp in the water more than the ducks and I seriously don't remember there being that much duck poop all over the last time we went but it was a fun little outing and the kids had a good time.

Jenna and her cheesy grin

My hot hubby and cute kids feeding the ducks

Sweet pose by Jaida. This is about how close she would get to the ducks "comfortably"

If you look at the water you will notice all the ripples- that's about a billion carp. I know I'm exagerating but seriously there were so many disgusting carp! :) Of course, Isaac loved every minute of feeding the carp not ducks :)

Quick picture of me and the girls; who refuse to actually look at the camera at the same time:) Oh well, at least I'm smiling :)

On a side note: Several years ago I think Isaac was probably a year and a half. We went to this same pond to feed the ducks and Isaac was so excited to see them. He got a little ahead of us and stepped in a little hole by the lake (I could see what was going to happen, it was like it was all happening in slow motion. I yelled at Luke to run to him as fast as he could...) anyway, he stepped in the hole, lost his shoe, and fell head first into the pond. About 1 second later Luke reached in the pond and pulled him out. He was crying and I think I was too. I was so scared but boy did he STINK! He smelled so bad. We took him to the car and took all his clothes off, changed his diaper and headed home. This was his first experience with ducks. We have told him the story many times and he laughs every time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Many Smiles of Jaida!

Seriously- a smile from ear to ear :)

Not to mention GORGEOUS! (I even did her hair! :) )

Jaida has got to be one of the happiest little kids I have ever met. When she sleeps she has this sweet angelic look on her face. She goes to sleep happy and wakes up happy. Even when she is mad and throwing a fit, all you have to do is look and her and say, "Don't you smile! You better not smile at me!" She won't even be able to control it anymore, she will smile! I don't know what I would do without my right hand girl. She's always there to help me, make me laugh, smile, drive me crazy, find things when I can't, and genuinely make me and others who surround her happy. I love you Jaida!

I just couldn't help myself!

I know that Jenna will someday be so mad at me for posting this but I couldn't help it! She looks so stinkin' cute. She took off her diaper and before we could put another one on her, she put Jaida's boots on. She looked so cute with her little butt and big boots on! What a funny little girl. She does keep us laughing :) We sure do love you!

Citizen of the Month!!

Last month Isaac was nominated for citizen of the month at Cherry Creek Elementary. He was so proud and so were we! He got the award because his teacher told us, "he is so kind and caring and nice to everyone!" That has to make parents feel proud! He is such a great kid and I love seeing the person that he is becoming. I couldn't be more proud of my little citizen of the month! :)

The Power of the DS

If anyone could be in love with a thing, it would be Isaac and his DS. He LOVES that thing. His friend Mason will come over quite often and they will "link" their DS's (or so Isaac tells me, I have no idea) and they will play for hours. I got them to pause long enough to smile for me and the camera. What cute boys :)

This is serious business!!

Quick Mason- hurry and smile for my mom so she'll stop bugging us!

Now back to business!