The other night, Luke came up with an idea. Usually when he comes up with an idea it involves guns(I always say he is obsessed but he disagrees) but this one didn't. He wanted to put together a movie night for the kids where they would have to "buy" their tickets and their snacks for a family night of fun. He put the whole thing together and I have to say that I am more and more attracted to him everyday! Being a great father is one of the many reasons why I love this man! :)
He put all the snacks together. He typed up how much everything was and typed up money for the kids to use. He even made the oatmeal cookies! Yeah he's pretty much amazing!
The kids are anxious to start buying. They LOVED this! All the kids counted how much money they had and bought the things they wanted according to how much they had. Even Jenna got the hang of it and said, "If I have two one dollars can I buy something for two dollars?" Yes, she gets her brilliance from me. :)
He is the hardworking, amazing, father of the year in my book!
8 years ago
What a great dad! and seriously such a fun idea. Did the kids have to earn their money?? Or did you just give them a certain amount? You guys have the best ideas!