Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spoiled Girls on Valentines

I want to start off first by saying that I am not really a Valentines girl. Don't get me wrong. I love to be romanced by my man and taken out and all that fun stuff but I want it to be on just an ordinary day. I think the whole thing of Valentines is just a way to boost the economy and that's ok but needless to say, I tell Luke that I don't want flowers or chocolates because it's expected. I am more practical and would rather something like a shirt that will last much longer :)
I do however, want my girls to start getting in their minds even at their young ages, the types of boys they should be looking for. This comes from watching their Daddy. Luke opens all the doors for me and my girls EVERYTIME we go anywhere. The girls see this and expect the same from all boys. I LOVE this! Luke started a tradition to give the girls a flower on Valentine's to show his love for them and to show them how a boy treats a girl. This year he surprised me and got me a single red rose to their red carnations. I know what I said earlier about not getting me flowers, but you see, it wasn't expected and I have to admit.. I LOVED it! My girls loved their flowers too :)

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